"Meet Winston the seal! He may be cute and cuddly, but don't let his sweet face fool you - he hates crowded places! He prefers quiet nights in with a good book and a cup of hot cocoa. Just don't try to take him to a busy party - he'll be hiding under the bed in no time!"
Please note that due to high demand, and whilst we aim to get them out much sooner, it may take up to around 7 days for your toy orders to be dispatched during our busiest periods. We understand that sometimes you need your items sooner, which is why we offer Special Delivery Guaranteed options for expedited shipping.RETURNS AND REFUND POLICY
Although we hope all adoptions have a happy ending and your new soft toy is everything what you expect, we are happy to offer a full refund in any instance that you are not 100% satisfied with the soft toy you have bought.PRODUCT INFO
We now include an image of this friend in hand to give an idea of size and scale. If you require exact dimensions please drop us a message and we will give measurments where possible"